Pre-Surgery Checklist: 9 Ways To Prepare For Breast Augmentation Surgery

Pre-Surgery Checklist: 9 Ways To Prepare For Breast Augmentation Surgery

Written by shanu, In Health, Published On
January 2, 2024

When it comes to breast augmentation surgery, you have a lot of homework to do! Any cosmetic surgery requires a lot of planning, thinking, and acting. Deciding to undergo breast augmentation surgery is a massive decision to take. However, suppose you have already booked your appointment and are counting the days until the big day of surgery. In that case, you should know how to prepare yourself for the breast augmentation surgery to achieve positive results in return.

To know the specific information to prepare yourself, you don’t have to go anywhere! This article carries all the vital information from Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at the Aestiva clinic that you need to know before breast augmentation. The tips shared by the expert surgeon who is known for breast augmentation in Delhi will definitely help you. So, let’s get started by understanding how long it takes for breast augmentation recovery.

How Long Does It Take To Recover from a Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Every patient is unique, and so is the recovery time after getting breast augmentation surgery. Generally, breast augmentation recovery takes around six weeks.

  • After the surgery, you will feel sore and tired in the first few days. But after the surgery, you will continue to feel discomfort. However, the pain would be less at this period, but bruising would be there.
  • After 3-4 weeks following breast augmentation surgery, the most significant part of the recovery comes. However, you still have to wear your compression garment till the most pain and discomfort should be gone. Also, it would help if you refrained from strenuous activities but can do everyday activities.
  • Almost after six weeks, most patients recovered and came back to normal. Your plastic surgeon will evaluate your improvements throughout your recovery to ensure your healing process turns out to be positive.

Now you know the approximate period it takes to recover from breast augmentation surgery. It is time to follow those tips that can help you to prepare for breast augmentation surgery positively.

9 Tips To Help You Prepare For Breast Augmentation Surgery

Quit Smoking

Smoking can directly impact the healing process, reduce blood flow, and affect how your body fights infection. To ensure you can complete your healing process and minimize breast augmentation scars appearance without any disruption, it’s a good idea to stop smoking altogether.

Prepare A Recovery Box

When you are finally getting ready for breast augmentation surgery, try to think ahead about your recovery plan and what you need to do. Your recovery kit can be a box of items you use or need regularly. In your recovery process, you may need everything at your fingertips, including a book or a tablet for reading, a phone charger, remote control, magazines, medication, water, lip balm, healthy snacks, etc. It could include anything that you require at an easy-to-reach distance.

Get Back In Shape, Both Physically And Mentally

One of the main components of having a successful surgery and recovering from it positively is being emotionally and physically fit at the time of surgery. Physically, you should be fine, healthy and have a stable weight before surgery. For that, exercise daily, eat a nutritious diet, and get plenty of sleep. It is done because people with the healthiest lifestyle tend to recover better.

Besides getting ready physically, you also need to prepare yourself mentally. Make sure you set realistic expectations and your motives to get cosmetic surgery are healthy. While breast augmentation can make you feel confident and change your life for good if you suffer from body issues, it is advised to seek professional help.

Keep Your Immune System Strong

The last thing you want to do is get sick right before starting your breast augmentation treatment. Hence, to keep your immunity strong, maintain proper health and hygiene. Follow a healthy diet, exercise daily, take your vitamins, and avoid being around people who are sick.

Follow A Healthy Diet

Are you getting closer to your breast augmentation surgery? Now is your time to be super organized and plan your meals for a few days after post-surgery. Prepare and cook up your favourite dishes. Also, make sure you have enough supplies in your kitchen. When it comes to food, try to avoid binding foods such as bananas or rice because they can lead to constipation.


Post-op skin can leave your skin tight, uncomfortable, and slightly dry. You can use shea or cocoa-butter-based lotions after showering and during the day to keep flaky skin at bay while making your recovery time more comfortable.

Learn To Invest In Pillows And Comfy Clothes

You would be surprised to know that using pillows and comfy clothes can help to make you feel better. Thus, invest in comfy, loose-fitting clothes instead of tight ones. You want to be comfortable throughout your recovery and do not want to wear any constricting garments. Moreover, pillows will help you sit and sleep comfortably after undergoing plastic surgery.

Use Ice Packs

It is time to make ice your best friend. It may seem bizarre to think, but cuddling up with an ice pack can significantly help after the post-op. Ice aids in decreasing swelling and pain. Also, 20 minutes on and 0 minutes off will be your new routine for the first few days post-op. Depending on your need, you can look for flexible ice packs that can mould to the area where you use them.

Get Ready The Day Before Your Surgery

When the day of your surgery comes, ensure you have the final checklist and are ready. You can follow some tips for getting ready the day before your breast augmentation surgery starts.

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid eating or drinking after midnight
  • Get a good sleep
  • Remove nail polish, jewellery, and piercings
  • Pack your bag to take to the clinic.

So, are you prepared for the breast augmentation surgery? If yes, it is not time to take slow steps. Instead, it is the right time to connect with the best plastic surgeon to plan your treatment.

Plan Your Breast Augmentation Surgery Today!

Suppose you are considering breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction. In that case, the best way to determine the most suitable procedure is by consulting a top-notch plastic surgeon.

One such doctor is Dr. Mrilanini Sharma, a leading plastic surgeon in Delhi known for the best breast enhancement, augmentation, and breast reduction at Aestiva Clinic. With 18 years of experience, she is a trusted cosmetic surgeon in Delhi. She guides her patients about all aesthetic procedures so they can choose the best one, as a one-size-fits-all treatment is not applicable. With her positive approach and vast experience, she has helped thousands of patients to achieve desired outcomes.

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