Top Tips for Skin Care with Ayurveda

Top Tips for Skin Care with Ayurveda

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In General, Published On
February 10, 2022

Did you know that skin is the largest organ of our bodies? Not only the largest, but it’s also the outermost organ largely exposed to the environment and has to go through all the harshness the world throws at it.

Therefore, it’s important that you take care of your skin so that it stays healthy. While maintaining your skin, many professionals advise a holistic approach through Ayurveda.

Applying Ayurvedic remedies helps in correcting the dosha imbalances and detoxifying your body which helps in maintaining healthy and glowing skin.

Every skin differs from one another and depending on the dosha, skin can be of three types. You can take an online Ayurvedic consultation in Australia to find out which skin type you have and what remedies will suit the issues your skin faces.

In this blog, we will cover the skin types according to Ayurveda and some natural remedies that will help you maintain healthy skin.

Skin Types According to Ayurveda

Skin Care with Ayurveda

As mentioned, there can be different skin types according to Ayurveda, and they are:

Vata Skin

Excess Vata in the body makes the skin dry and cool making it flaky and rough to touch. People with this skin type often face eczema and dermatitis. The stretchiness in the skin makes your skin look dehydrated and ends up being wrinkly much earlier.

To fight these conditions, experts suggest intaking sufficient water and a natural moisturizer.

Pitta Skin

When the fire element dominates the body, the skin is warm and reddish in appearance. Hot weather is a culprit to this skin and if exposed to extremely hot weather it can end up developing rashes and inflammation.

Pitta skin is acne-prone skin and thus the products you need to use on this skin type must be mild and gentle. If you have this type of skin, it would be wise to avoid spicy food and follow a balanced diet.

Kapha Skin

Kapha type of skin is pale and thick but it can also be very oily. Because of this oily nature, it is prone to clogged pores which can lead to acne breakout. People with this skin type need to detox them and clean their skin properly and regularly. Avoid excessive fried food to prevent over secretion of oils by the skin.

Combination Skin

Sometimes your skin can be a result of two doshas combined. For example, Vata-Pitta skin would be dry and sensitive, Pitta-Kapha skin is oily and sensitive.

Ayurvedic Ingredients to Maintain Healthy Skin

Skin Care with Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient science and people from time immemorial have used Ayurvedic products to improve overall skin health. Using natural products makes sure the doshas are balanced from inside and out and thus the effects of these products are long-term.

Here are some well-known Ayurvedic herbs that are easily accessible and useful in maintaining healthy and young-looking skin.


This is an antimicrobial herb and works in purifying the blood. When your blood detoxifies and circulates your body that automatically results in healthy-looking skin. Manjistha also works in reducing blemishes and acne spots resulting in glowing skin.

Manjistha is an active ingredient in Kumkumadi oil, an ancient concoction for skincare that detoxifies your skin from inside and out.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can be used for every skin type. You can use the pulp to massage your skin as a moisturizer or add water to it and use it as a natural face mist. It is anti-inflammatory and thus aloe vera can also be used to soothe sunburn and rashes on your skin. It is rich in Vitamin C and E and thus it is useful against aging and dryness of the skin.

These are some of the ingredients you can use to take good care of your skin. We have also mentioned the different skin types and the issues each type might encounter. However, it’s advisable to not use a product on your own. Please go for online Ayurvedic consultation in Australia and check with the medical professionals first to avail expert remedies as proposed by them.

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