How Pitot Static Tester Measures Airspeed of Aircraft?

How Pitot Static Tester Measures Airspeed of Aircraft?

Written by ShivGupta, In Technology, Published On
December 11, 2022

Airspeed is the speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is traveling. Airspeed is measured with a pitot-static tester, which consists of a pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. The pitot static tester measures the static pressure and the static temperature of the air around the aircraft. Static pressure is the atmospheric pressure that exists at sea level. The static temperature is the temperature of the air around the aircraft in Kelvin (K).

To calculate airspeed, the air data test set subtracts the static pressure from the total pressure. This difference is called dynamic pressure. The dynamic pressure is then divided by the density of air to give the airspeed. The density of air varies with altitude, so the airspeed must be corrected for altitude. The density of air also varies with temperature, so the airspeed must be corrected for temperature. These corrections are made using tables that are provided by the pitot-static tester.

What is the Pitot Static Tester?

The pitot static tester is a device used to measure the airspeed of an aircraft. It works by measuring the difference in pressure between static pressure and dynamic pressure. The static pressure is the atmospheric pressure at sea level, while the dynamic pressure is the pressure exerted by the airflow on the Pitot tube.

The pitot static tester can be used to measure both true airspeed and calibrated airspeed. True airspeed is the actual speed of the aircraft through the air, while calibrated airspeed is the speed that is indicated on the aircraft’s instruments. In order to obtain accurate readings, it is important to make sure that the pitot-static tester is properly calibrated.

There are two types of air data test sets: those that use a manometer, and those that use an electronic sensor. Manometers are more common, but electronic sensors are more accurate. Both types of devices are relatively easy to use and provide accurate readings.

How does the Pitot Static Tester work?

As the name suggests, a pitot static tester is used to measure the airspeed of an aircraft. It does this by measuring the pressure difference between the static pressure and the dynamic pressure. Static pressure is the atmospheric pressure that is exerted on the aircraft. Dynamic pressure is the pressure that is exerted on the aircraft by the movement of air.

The pitot static tester consists of two parts: a pitot tube and a static port. The pitot tube is placed in front of the aircraft’s intake and measures the dynamic pressure. The static port is placed on the side of the aircraft and measures the static pressure.

To use the pitot static tester, both the pitot tube and static port must be connected to a pressure gauge. The tester will then measure the difference in pressure between the two points and give a reading in knots (nautical miles per hour).

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Pitot Static Tester?

There are many benefits of using a Pitot Static Tester to measure the airspeed of aircraft. Some of the benefits include:

  • Pitot static testers are very accurate and provide reliable measurements.
  • They are easy to use and can be used by anyone, regardless of their level of experience.
  • Air data test sets are portable and can be taken with you wherever you go.
  • They are relatively inexpensive and offer great value for the money.

Who Uses Pitot Static Tester?

Pitot static testers are used by aircraft pilots and mechanics to measure the airspeed of an aircraft. The tester is placed in the aircraft’s pitot tube, which is located on the outside of the aircraft. The tester measures the pressure of the air as it flows through the pitot tube. This pressure is then converted into an airspeed reading.

Pilots use air data test sets to determine if their aircraft is performing within acceptable limits. They can also use the tester to troubleshoot any issues with their aircraft’s airspeed indicators. Mechanics use pitot static testers to calibrate airspeed indicators and to check for leaks in the pitot tube.

These testers are commonly used by aircraft manufacturers and airlines to test the airspeed of aircraft. The tester consists of a pitot tube, which is inserted into the aircraft’s pitot-static port, and a manometer, which is used to measure the pressure difference between the static and dynamic pressure in the pitot tube. The tester can be used to measure the airspeed of an aircraft at any altitude.

Usage Of Air Data Test Set

pitot static tester

Pitot static testers are used to measure the airspeed of aircraft. The most common type of air data test set is the hand-held type, which is used to measure the airspeed of small aircraft.

The hand-held pitot static tester consists of a Pitot tube, which is connected to a manometer. The manometer measures the difference in pressure between static pressure and dynamic pressure. The dynamic pressure is measured by the Pitot tube, which is inserted into the airflow.

The hand-held air data test set can be used to measure the airspeed of both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. To use the tester, simply insert the Pitot tube into the airflow and read the pressure on the manometer. The airspeed will be displayed on the manometer scale.

Pitot static testers are also available in larger, bench-top models. These models are typically used in laboratories or by maintenance personnel to troubleshoot aircraft systems. Bench-top pitot static testers usually have more features than hand-held models, such as data logging and temperature compensation.

How to use a Pitot Static Tester?

Pitot static testers are devices that measure the airspeed of aircraft. They work by measuring the pressure difference between the static pressure and the dynamic pressure. Static pressure is the atmospheric pressure, while dynamic pressure is the pressure exerted by the moving air on the aircraft.

To use an air data test set, first, connect it to the airplane’s pitot tube. The pitot tube is a small tube that sticks out from the fuselage of the airplane and measures airspeed. Next, turn on the tester and let it warm up for about 30 seconds. Then, hold the tester in front of the pitot tube and press the button to take a reading. The reading will be displayed on the screen of the tester.

Pitot static testers are very accurate devices, but they must be used correctly in order to get accurate readings. Make sure that you follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions when using one of these devices.

Air data test sets are devices used to measure the airspeed of aircraft. They are placed in the aircraft’s pitot tube, which is where the air pressure is measured. The tester measures the pressure difference between the static pressure and the total pressure, which is then converted into an airspeed reading.

To use a pitot static tester, first, make sure that it is properly calibrated. Next, connect the tester to the aircraft’s pitot tube. Once connected, turn on the tester and wait for it to stabilize. Then, take a reading from the tester and record it. Finally, turn off the tester and disconnect it from the aircraft.


Pitot static testers are an important part of aircraft maintenance. They help ensure that aircraft are safe and performing at their best by measuring airspeed and pressure. If you’re interested in learning more about how these devices work, be sure to check out our other articles on the subject. Thanks for reading!

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