Electrical Safety Protects Your Kids From Electrical Danger

Electrical Safety Protects Your Kids From Electrical Danger

Written by Quickfixs, In How To, Published On
September 19, 2023

A child’s brain is constantly in a mode to explore the world around them. This important, essential trait to explore is of vital significance for the overall development of the child. Still, the same curiosity to check everything can at times turn fatal due to accidents that follow.

Now we will discuss electrical injuries, hazards due to electric shock, how to help with electrical accidents and first aid in case a similar accident happens around you.

At Home Safety

The home is the place where curiosity is at its peak for the children. Learn further about the electricity safety rules for kids when they’re at home.

  • Never let them touch their fingers into the electrical outlets or allow them to light bulbs.
  • Baby evidence that small appliances like toasters are true if they aren’t in use and switched off.
  • Your sink, bathtub, or any other source of water should not be near any electrical appliances.
  • Keep electrical cords down from sinks, bathtubs, or any other sources of water. Apart from causing shock, they’re a choking hazard for your child.
  • Your hands should always dry before you touch any electrical appliance or device, similar to a light switch or toaster oven hair teetotaler.
  • Don’t pull out the electrical draw out of the socket by pulling down its cord.
  • Keep your electrical appliances switched off and unplugged when you’re drawing an electrical appliance.
  • Replace the damaged cord immediately to help from getting shocks.

Outdoor Safety

The Open area is the best place for children to set up their exploration operations. Prevent those active hands safe from electrical shocks.

  • Climbing trees are fine as long as they aren’t near power lines or they’ve power lines running above them. However, make sure they’re enough down from the power lines If your children love flying kites.
  • Swimming should be avoided during electrical storms. Don’t touch any electrical appliance if you’re wet in the swimming pool or standing in a puddle.
  • Don’t remove anything on the power line, or call for help from the electrical board office.
  • Do not touch cables that have broken and are lying on the ground. Maintain a safe distance from similar live wires to help getting electrocuted.
  • Avoid going near electric substations and don’t climb over the fence that compasses the substations.
  • Don’t throw objects like shoes, sneakers or any other material on the electric power lines.
  • Don’t hang any banners or signages on electric utility power lines or poles.
  • still, call for help immediately, If you see anyone getting an electric shock. Don’t touch the person.


  • Ensure that tools and machinery that bear high voltages are put out of their reach or duly isolated at all times.
  • You should also replace any faulty appliances with new ones, or immediately take them out of service to reduce the risk of electrical shock.
  • Also, maintain spaces between your appliances otherwise cases of overheating could ultimately lead to a fire outbreak.
  • Disconnect all appliances from an electrical socket when they aren’t in use.
  • Also, do not keep drinks, water bottles or any liquid-containing bottles close to electronic appliances like TVs, stereos, gaming consoles, speakers, refrigerators, etc.

How to Teach Kids about Electric Safety?

  • Your little kid is too busy, so it is not too early to teach them about electrical safety.
  • Set a family meeting time to start the discussion.
  • The use of activity sheets or books is a nice way to teach them an interest in the topic of electrical safety and help them learn about it. You can teach them using interactive videos and cartoons as well.
  • To give them a good lesson, buy a wire and cut it into pieces to demonstrate what is inside the chord builds up their interest. then you can let them know what electricity is.
  • teach them how the sockets are covered with plastic plugs for electrical plug safety.
  • Once you feel that they have learnt about the safe use of electricity, test them by asking questions.
  • Use positive reinforcements to demonstrate the positive learning takeaway from the project.

Other Electrical Safety Tips for Children

It takes a small mistake to start an electric fire but with this simple prevention, you can find effective solutions to this problem.

  • Keep clothes and other combustible items away from electrical appliances.
  • Keep the chords in good health. Replace them immediately if you notice any loose and tear.
  • If your child is playing with any toy that has electricity ensure that he is at least 10 feet away from a wet surface or water.
  • Never fly remote-controlled airplanes or helicopters near overhead power lines. Play with them in fields or parks.

First Aid for Electric Shock in Kids

If you experiencing an electric shock follow the below-mentioned steps till help arrives:

  • Turn off the switch if possible otherwise remove it using a piece of cardboard, wood or plastic.
  • Start CPR if you do not see any movement in that child.
  • Try to prevent the child from becoming cold.
  • Apply a bandage if there are any burned areas. Assist with a professional electrician to understand ways to electronic-proof your house.
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